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English Language Challenges

Hiiiii i hope you're well, today i will talk about the challenges that the English language has presented to me in these semesters. For to begin, my experience in the university with the English courses has been good but the strange thing has been how i have studied them, since in my English 2 occurred the social outbreak and now we are in a pandemic, therefore i have never had an English course one hundred percent normal :(. However, one of the things i like the most in these courses is writing blogs, idk put what you think and that several people (really not so many) can read it is funny, it will never be as big as a diary but it is interesting and i think i will miss it a little bit. On the other hand, one of the things i think i need to improve the most about my English is talking to someone else, is something that i have not been able to practice because of everything that is happening in the world and i feel that i cannot understand 100% what i am saying, i mean, when i talk

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