Changes to my study programme

Hello hello, today i will talk about some changes that could be made to my study programme.

For first, I think that should change the amount of annual courses that there in the curriculum, i know that maybe they have their purpose but the truth is that it only makes a person fall behind too much and besides, it does not allow you to follow the normal rhythm since you will always have to wait a semester to continue "understanding" the subject. Another thing that is very noticeable, and is even annoying at some point, are the differences in money between faculties being that they are from the same university xD, it should be more equal and not always that the money comes to the faculties that literally make change of something just for fun while we sometimes have even the bad bathrooms >:(. 

Finally, something that should also change a little is the method of teaching and how they use technology, the first is because i find that sometimes there is much difference between teachers, i mean, they should put a standard of how to do the classes or something like that, and the second is because i find that they do not explore 100% of what technology can bring, they only do ppt after ppt and other things that are already monotonous maybe if they did something more striking you could pay more attention (I speak for me because i get distracted by a fly).

Greetings and goodbye :D!


  1. Totally agree. Our classes are a bit monotonous with that amount of ppts :(

  2. I would also change the annual courses :(

  3. Although I agree that it is difficult to learn when teachers have such different methodologies, I believe that it is something practical that is impossible to change, perhaps it is possible with future generations.


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